Getting Started

System Requirements

The MAVEN PyDIVIDE toolkit currently requires Anaconda 5.0 or above. Anaconda will install Python, as well as numerous software libraries for scientific computing. This toolkit is only compatible with Python 3.5 or above.

To install the PyDIVIDE toolkit, type the following command into the local terminal/Anaconda Prompt terminal.

pip install pydivide

This will automatically install most of the required dependencies. The following is necessary for the Bokeh HTML plots:

conda install -c bokeh nodejs

And finally, though this is not required, for 3D visualization you will need to get PyOpenGL

pip install pyopengl

The PyDIVIDE toolkit can also be downloaded from the MAVEN Science Data Center GitHub page, This will require manual installation of all dependencies of PyDIVIDE. It is recommended that PyDIVIDE be installed via the pip command above.

Updating the Toolkit

The latest version of PyDIVIDE can be installed by typing the following command into the terminal

pip install pydivide --upgrade

Running PyDIVIDE

An IDE is the recommended way to run PyDIVIDE procedures; however, they can also be run from the terminal. To start an interactive session of Python, enter the following commands into the terminal

import pydivide

Data Storage

PyDIVIDE requires all data files to be stored in an automatically-created directory structure. This has a similar format to the SDC and SSL directory structures. The root directory for data storage can be chosen by the user. When first running a download_files or read procedure, the user will be prompted to select the root_data_dir. After the directory is selected, it is saved in mvn_toolkit_prefs.txt, and can later be changed manually as desired. After the first selection of the directory, the user will not be prompted by download_files or read again. download_files will place files into the chosen directory structure, and read will pull data files from that directory structure.


If you have pyspedas installed (installed by default when installed via pip), then pydivide will use the pyspedas data directory. The default is C://Datapy, but can be changed with pyspedas.set_prefs(‘data_dir’, ‘/insert/path/for/your/data’)

While you do not necessarily need to know this to use the toolkit, the data directories are structured as such

/kp/insitu/YYYY/MM/ /kp/iuvs/YYYY/MM/ /sta/l2/YYYY/MM/ /sep/l2/YYYY/MM/ /swi/l2/YYYY/MM/ /swe/l2/YYYY/MM/ /lpw/l2/YYYY/MM/ /mag/l2/YYYY/MM/ /iuv/l2/YYYY/MM/ /ngi/l2/YYYY/MM/ /euv/l2/YYYY/MM/ /acc/l2/YYYY/MM/