Source code for pydivide.read_model_results

# Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of Colorado. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the MIT license.
# This software was developed at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.
# Verify current version before use at:

import math 
import numpy as np

[docs]def read_model_results(file): """ Reads results of specified simulation into a dictionary object containing sub-directories for metadata, dimension information, and model tracers. This function can read any of the models currently on the MAVEN SDC website with the .nc extension, which can be found here: The desired model must be downloaded prior to running this procedure Parameters: file: str Simulation result file name to be read Returns: Dictionary roughly structured as follows \_ meta () \_ longsubsol \_ ls \_ etc \_ dim \_ lat/x \_ lon/y \_ alt/z \_ variable1 \_ dim_order (x,y,z or z,y,x for example) \_ data \_ variable2 \_ dim_order \_ data ... \_ variableN Examples: >>> # Read the University of Michigan group’s ionospheric model for mean solar activity (F10.7 = 130). >>> model = pydivide.read_model_results('<dir_path>/') """ try: import netCDF4 except: print("Install the python library netCDF4 to read model results") print("pip install netCDF4") return import collections # Create dictionaries for the metadata and dimensions meta = collections.OrderedDict() dim = collections.OrderedDict() # Create a dictionary for the above dictionaries results = collections.OrderedDict() model = netCDF4.Dataset(file, "r+", format="NETCDF4") lat_size = None lon_size = None alt_size = None x_size = None y_size = None z_size = None for unit in model.dimensions: if unit.lower() == 'latitude': lat_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if unit.lower() == 'longitude': lon_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if unit.lower() == 'altitude': alt_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if unit.lower() == 'size_x' or unit.lower() == 'x': x_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if unit.lower() == 'size_y' or unit.lower() == 'y': y_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if unit.lower() == 'size_z' or unit.lower() == 'z': z_size = model.dimensions[unit].size if lat_size is not None: if lon_size is None or alt_size is None: print("Couldn't find all dimensions: LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE") dimension_type = "latlonalt" elif x_size is not None: if y_size is None or z_size is None: print("Couldn't find all dimensions: X,Y,Z") dimension_type = "xyz" else: print("Problem finding either cartesian (X,Y,Z) or Lat Lon Alt dimensions") return for var in model.variables: if var.lower() == 'latitude': dim['lat'] = model.variables[var][0:lat_size] elif var.lower() == 'longitude': lon_temp = model.variables[var][0:lon_size] if np.max(lon_temp) > 180 and np.min(lon_temp) > 0: lon_temp = np.array([(a - 360) if a > 180 else a for a in lon_temp]) dim['lon'] = lon_temp elif var.lower() == 'altitude': dim['alt'] = model.variables[var][0:alt_size] elif var.lower() == 'x': dim['x'] = model.variables[var][0:x_size] elif var.lower() == 'y': dim['y'] = model.variables[var][0:y_size] elif var.lower() == 'z': dim['z'] = model.variables[var][0:z_size] elif var.lower() == 'coordinate_system': if (model.variables[var]).dtype == np.dtype('S1'): meta['coord_sys'] = ''.join([n.decode("utf-8") for n in model.variables[var]]) else: meta['coord_sys'] = model.variables[var][0].strip() elif var.lower() == 'ls': if abs(model.variables[var][0]) >= 2 * math.pi: meta['ls'] = model.variables[var][0] else: if 'units' in model.variables[var].__dict__: if model.variables[var].__dict__['units'].lower == 'rad': meta['ls'] = math.degrees(model.variables[var][0]) else: meta['ls'] = model.variables[var][0] else: meta['ls'] = model.variables[var][0] elif var.lower() == 'longsubsol': import re string = str(model.variables[var][0]) num = float((re.findall("[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*[eE]?[-+]?\d*", string))[0]) if abs(num) >= 2 * math.pi: meta['longsubsol'] = num else: if 'units' in model.variables[var].__dict__: if model.variables[var].__dict__['units'].lower == 'rad': meta['longsubsol'] = math.degrees(num) else: meta['longsubsol'] = num else: meta['longsubsol'] = num elif var.lower() == 'dec': if abs(model.variables[var][0]) >= 2 * math.pi: meta['dec'] = model.variables[var][0] else: if 'units' in model.variables[var].__dict__: if model.variables[var].__dict__['units'].lower == 'rad': meta['dec'] = math.degrees(model.variables[var][0]) else: meta['dec'] = model.variables[var][0] else: meta['dec'] = model.variables[var][0] elif var.lower() == 'mars_radius': meta['mars_radius'] = model.variables[var][0] elif var.lower() == 'altitude_from': meta['altitude_from'] = model.variables[var][0] else: if (len(model.variables[var].shape) == 3) or (len(model.variables[var].shape) == 4): data = {} if model.variables[var].units == 'm-3': value = model.variables[var][:] / 1000000.0 else: value = model.variables[var][:] dim_order = model.variables[var].dimensions dim_order = [dim.replace('size_x', 'x') for dim in dim_order] dim_order = [dim.replace('size_y', 'y') for dim in dim_order] dim_order = [dim.replace('size_z', 'z') for dim in dim_order] data['data'] = value data['dim_order'] = dim_order results[var] = data # Create a dictionary of dictionaries for the model results results['meta'] = meta results['dim'] = dim return results