Source code for pydivide.occultation

# Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of Colorado. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the MIT license.
# This software was developed at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.
# Verify current version before use at:

import pytplot
import numpy as np
import builtins

[docs]def occultation(iuvs, sameplot=True, orbit_num=None, species=None, log=False, title='IUVS Occultation Observations', qt=True, exec_qt=True): ''' Plot IUVS Stellar Occultation data against spacecraft altitude. Parameters: iuvs : dict iuvs kp data structure/dictionary read from file(s) orbit_num : list of int The orbit numbers to plot from the IUVS data structure species: list of str The species to plot. Values can be "CO2", "O2", "O3", and "Temp." sameplot : bool if True, put all curves on same axes if False, generate new axes for each plot list : bool Lists all Key Parameters instead of plotting title : str The Title to give the plot ylog : bool Displays the log of the y axis qt : bool If true, plots with qt. Else creates an HTML page with bokeh. exec_qt : bool If False, does not run the event loop for pyqtgraph. Returns : None Examples: >>> # Plot CO2 density vs spacecraft altitude. >>> insitu, iuvs =['2016-01-01', '2016-01-31']) >>> pydivide.occultation(iuvs, log=True, species=['CO2'], qt=False) ''' retrieval_names_to_plot = [] retrieval_legend_names = [] dplot = 0 if not isinstance(species, builtins.list): species = [species] if not isinstance(orbit_num, builtins.list): orbit_num = [orbit_num] if orbit_num != [None]: restrict_orbit = True else: restrict_orbit = False if species != [None]: restrict_species = True else: restrict_species = False xmin = [] xmax = [] for orbit in iuvs: for obs in orbit: if obs.lower()[0:-1] == 'occultation': if restrict_orbit and int(orbit[obs]['orbit_number']) not in orbit_num: continue x = np.array(orbit[obs]['retrieval']['ALTITUDE']) for var in orbit[obs]['retrieval']: if var.lower() != "altitude": if restrict_species and var not in species: continue if not np.isnan(orbit[obs]['retrieval'][var]).all(): xmin.append(np.min(x)) xmax.append(np.max(x)) retrieval_names_to_plot.append(obs + '_retrieval_' + var + '_' + str(orbit[obs]['orbit_number'])) retrieval_legend_names.append('Orbit ' + str(orbit[obs]['orbit_number']) + ' ' + var + ' retrieval') data = np.array(orbit[obs]['retrieval'][var]) alts = x[~np.isnan(data)] data = data[~np.isnan(data)] fake_times = np.arange(len(alts)) pytplot.store_data(retrieval_names_to_plot[dplot], data={'x': fake_times, 'y': data}) pytplot.store_data(retrieval_names_to_plot[dplot] + "_alt", data={'x': fake_times, 'y': alts}) pytplot.options(retrieval_names_to_plot[dplot], 'link', ['alt', retrieval_names_to_plot[dplot] + '_alt']) pytplot.options(retrieval_names_to_plot[dplot], 'alt', 1) dplot += 1 if dplot == 0: print("There is no occultation retrieval data in the given IUVS variable") return list_of_plots = [] if sameplot: pytplot.store_data('occultation_retrieval', data=retrieval_names_to_plot) list_of_plots.append('occultation_retrieval') pytplot.options('occultation_retrieval', 'alt', 1) if log: pytplot.options('occultation_retrieval', 'ylog', 1) pytplot.options('occultation_retrieval', 'legend_names', retrieval_legend_names) else: i = 0 for d in retrieval_names_to_plot: list_of_plots.append(d) pytplot.options(d, 'ytitle', retrieval_legend_names[i]) if log: pytplot.options(d, 'ylog', 1) i += 1 i = 0 pytplot.tplot_options('alt_range', [np.min(xmin), np.max(xmax)]) pytplot.tplot_options('title', title) pytplot.tplot_options('wsize', [1000, 400 * len(list_of_plots)]) pytplot.tplot(list_of_plots, bokeh=not qt, exec_qt=exec_qt, window_name='PYIDIVDE_Occultation_Plot') pytplot.del_data(list_of_plots) return