Source code for pydivide.download_files

# Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of Colorado. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the MIT license.
# This software was developed at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.
# Verify current version before use at:

# Download Files Section

from . import download_files_utilities as utils
from .utilities import orbit_time
from dateutil.parser import parse

[docs]def download_files(filenames=None, instruments=None, list_files=False, level='l2', insitu=True, iuvs=False, new_files=False, start_date='2014-01-01', end_date='2020-01-01', update_prefs=False, only_update_prefs=False, exclude_orbit_file=False, local_dir=None, unittest=False, crustal_download=True): """ Download data files from the MAVEN SDC web server. Compatible with KP files or instrument-specific data downloads. insitu, iuvs, or at least one instrument must be specified. Parameters: filenames : str/list of str Specific filename strings to search/download. instruments : str/list of str - swe, swi, ngi, euv, lpw, iuv, rse, sta, sep, acc Instruments from which you want to download data. list_files : bool (True/False) If true, lists the files instead of downloading them. level : str Data level to download. insitu : bool (True/False) If true, specifies only insitu files. iuvs : bool (True/False) If true, new_files : bool (True/False) Checks downloaded files and only downloads those that haven't already been downloaded. start_date : str String that is the start date for downloading data (YYYY-MM-DD) end_date : str String that is the end date for downloading data (YYYY-MM-DD) update_prefs : bool (True/False) If true, updates where you want to store data locally only_update_prefs : bool (True/False) If true, *only* updates where to store dat alocally, doesn't download files. exclude_orbit_file : bool (True/False) If true, won't download the latest orbit tables. local_dir : str If indicated, specifies where to download files for a specific implementation of this function. unittest : bool If True, will not actually download files. If False (default) files will be downloaded. crustal_download : bool If True (default), when insitu files are downloaded, any crustal files will also be downloaded. If False, crustal files will not be downloaded when insitu files are downloaded. Returns: None Examples: >>> # Download all available insitu data between 2015-01-01 and 2015-01-31, inclusive: >>> pydivide.download_files(start_date='2015-01-01', end_date='2015-01-31', insitu=True) >>> # List all available CDF insitu KP files on the server: >>> pydivide.download_files(insitu=True, list_files=True) >>> # Download all new IUVS files from 6 April 2015 not found in the local directory. >>> pydivide.download_files(iuvs=True, new_files=True, end_date='2015-04-06') >>> # List all available Level 2 data files for SWIA. >>> pydivide.download_files(instruments='swi', list_files=True, level='l2') >>> # List all available Level 2 data files for SWIA for the month of January 2015. >>> pydivide.download_files(start_date='2015-01-01', end_date='2015-01-31', instruments='swi', list_files=True, level='l2') >>> # Download all new Level 2 data files for NGIMS, STATIC, and EUV. >>> pydivide.download_files(instruments=['ngi','sta','euv'], new_files=True) """ import os # Check for orbit num rather than time string if isinstance(start_date, int) and isinstance(end_date, int): start_date, end_date = orbit_time(start_date, end_date) start_date = parse(start_date) end_date = parse(end_date) start_date = start_date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) end_date = end_date.replace( + 1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if update_prefs or only_update_prefs: utils.set_root_data_dir() if only_update_prefs: return public = utils.get_access() if not public: utils.get_uname_and_password() if filenames is None: if insitu and iuvs: print("Can't request both INSITU and IUVS in one query.") return if not insitu and not iuvs: print("If not specifying filename(s) to download, Must specify either insitu=True or iuvs=True.") return if instruments is None: instruments = ['kp'] if insitu: level = 'insitu' if iuvs: level = 'iuvs' for instrument in instruments: # Build the query to the website query_args = [] query_args.append("instrument=" + instrument) query_args.append("level=" + level) if filenames is not None: query_args.append("file=" + filenames) query_args.append("start_date=" + start_date) query_args.append("end_date=" + end_date) if level == 'iuvs': query_args.append("file_extension=tab") if local_dir is None: mvn_root_data_dir = utils.get_root_data_dir() else: mvn_root_data_dir = local_dir data_dir = os.path.join(mvn_root_data_dir, 'maven', 'data', 'sci', instrument, level) query = '&'.join(query_args) s = utils.get_filenames(query, public) if not s: print("No files found for {}.".format(instrument)) if s: s = str(s) s = s.split(',') if not crustal_download: s = [f for f in s if 'crustal' not in f] if list_files: for f in s: print(f) return if new_files: s = utils.get_new_files(s, data_dir, instrument, level) if not unittest: print("Your request will download a total of: " + str(len(s)) + " files for instrument " + str(instrument)) print('Would you like to proceed with the download? ') valid_response = False cancel = False while not valid_response: response = (input('(y/n) > ')) if response == 'y' or response == 'Y': valid_response = True elif response == 'n' or response == 'N': print('Cancelled download. Returning...') valid_response = True cancel = True else: print('Invalid input. Please answer with y or n.') if cancel: continue if not exclude_orbit_file: print("Before downloading data files, checking for updated orbit # file from") print("") utils.get_orbit_files() i = 0 utils.display_progress(i, len(s)) for f in s: i += 1 full_path = utils.create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, level) utils.get_file_from_site(f, public, full_path) utils.display_progress(i, len(s)) return